
Under Online Payments you can activate or deactivate the Online Payment feature for your instance, which allows successful bidders to settle their invoices online through the payment gateway.


Upgrading to a Premium Subscription will allow you to configure the payment gateway to your own Payment Gateway rather than using the  iRostrum Payment Gateway Account. 

The [Online Payments] toggle is used to activate or deactivate this feature for your website.


When activated, the system will accept online payments and enable the [Pay Now] feature within [My Profile].


The [iRostrum Payment Gateway] toggle is Premium feature and is used to activate or deactivate the iRostrum Payment Gateway. When deactivated the user must enter valid Payment Gateway details in line with the onscreen guidance.  

On de-selecting the iRostrum Payment Gateway toggle you will be prompted with an 'API Key' field.


Enter your custom payment account API key and click [Submit].


Note : We would always recommend configuring with your TEST API key and running a test transaction to verify the set up before updating with the LIVE API key.

If at any time you toggle the iRostrum Payment Gateway back to 'Active' you will delete the API Key and remove the connection to your custom Stripe account.


Any live user sessions where the buyer had clicked on the Pay Now link but not completed the payment will loose their connection to the old payment gateway and will not be able to connect to the new payment gateway so will not be able to complete their online payment.


To avoid any issues ensure that there are no outstanding payments that have not been completed.



Next read > Instance Configure