
Add, Edit and Delete Individual Images

You can  upload, delete or edit images against an individual lot.

Navigate to the 'Lot Details' page by by clicking on the [Lot Number] in the auction lots table.

Or you can access lots by navigating to the 'Lots' search via the administration menu.

You can preview any images already uploaded against this lot by expanding the [Image Upload] tab.


To add or edit images for this lot click [Edit Images].

If there are already any images uploaded against this lot they will be displayed here.

For optimal viewing lot images should be 500 x 500 pixels and approximately 300KB.

Upload new images by clicking [Choose file], selecting your image or images, then click [Upload].

Unlike with the bulk image upload facility the image does not need to be named in any particular way.

If you have multiple images uploaded against a lot you can select which image should be the lead image on the public auction platform by clicking [Set as Primary Image] below the required image.

To delete an image click on the [Delete Image] button immediately below the image.

Next read > Schedule Lots