
Lot numbers determine the order in which lots uploaded to an auction will appear on the auction's lot list page.

Lots are assigned a lot number on adding to the auction, either via the lot numbers imported via the CSV file upload, or as automatically assigned on adding the lots to the auction.

If you wish to change the order of the lots this is done under Schedule Lots.


Select [Schedule Lots] from the [Auction Details],[Lot Management] tab

You will be presented with this screen

All lots allocated to the auction are listed in this table.

Note :

Once you are happy that the lot numbering is all correct click on the [Schedule Lots] button at the bottom of the table to set the lot numbers and the auction end times for each lot.

You can also choose to use the [Auto Schedule] function at the top of the table, setting the lot numbers by one of the automatic parameters in the drop down, ie alphabetical, by value, etc.

Note : If you change the 'Prespecified First Lot Close Time' for an auction after lots have been allocated the close times for all lots in the auction will automatically update, however you will need to reschedule the lots so that the end times are updated in the admin view. Just open Schedule Lots, the new times will show in the table and click on the [Schedule Lots] button at the bottom of the table.

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