If you have Online Payments activated for your instance your clients will be able to settle their invoices via the respective online payment gateway accessed in [My Profile] on the [Invoices] tab.
On publishing an invoice the successful bidder will be directed to their invoice in their [My Profile]. The [Pay Now] button shows against any outstanding invoices.
Clicking on [Pay Now} will take the client to the online payment gateway.
They will see the total payment due in line with the invoice total, together with the invoice number.
On entering their payment details the client clicks on [Pay].
The client will receive an automated email confirming settlement of their invoice and the total amount received.
Important Notes :
It is only possible to pay the full balance of the invoice total. Part or over payments are not possible.
It is only possible to make one online payment against a single invoice. Therefore if an online payment is made against an invoice and the invoice is subsequently edited to change the total value due, payment or refund of any balance must be managed offline.
See Managing Offline Payments for further guidance.