
Marketing Widget

Promote your lots using our widget

We've built a widget that will allow you in integrate your lots into your website or other 3rd party websites.

The fully interactive lot widget will promote the real-time state of the specified lot and give your target audience a clear Call-To-Action to view or bid in your auction.

You need the following HTML script to embed the widget into your webpage, where the host URL is set to your iRostrum Instance URL 


  :root {
    --irl-loading-color: #ddd;
    --irl-loading-shine-color: #e8e8e8;
  lot-widget {
    min-height: 84px;
    display: block;
  var irostrum_config = {
    host: '',
<script>!function(d,b){for(var  c=0;c<d.length;c++){var  a=b.createElement("script"),e=".js",f=b.head||b.body;"noModule"in  a?(a.type="module",e=".js"):a.async=!0,"/widget/"+d[c]+e,f.appendChild(a)}}(["runtime", "polyfills","main"],document)</script>

Then to insert the widget onto the webpage, you simply enter the following code like this:

<lot-widget auction-id="ba0acd3a-751d-47f4-bcf2-93af9e22d292" lot-id="2097742" new-tab="true"></lot-widget>

There are 3 parameters as follows


Which can be taken from the an auctions lot URL for the specific lot bidding page on your iRostrum instance.  Example as follows

The «new-tab» option, will simply ensure the Call-To-Action button, opens the target lot in a new browser tab if set to true, or in the same window if set to false.

We recommend you test use cases for lots which are live, sold & unsold.

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